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My own experience as a client provides me with an understanding of the courage it takes to do this work and the possibilities that can flow from it. It is a privilege for me to support my clients through the ongoing discovery of what it feels like to experience the richness of life as we meet each other in the here and now. 

I am a Registered Psychotherapist and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I received my psychotherapy training at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto and began seeing clients in private practice in 2014. I completed the 216 hour Somatic Experiencing Professional Training Program in Ottawa, Ontario in 2020, and completed Kathy Kain's Touching Trauma: Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists in 2022. These trauma trainings inform my psychotherapy practice. 

I received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto in 2003 and worked as an Instructor Therapist for individuals on the autistic spectrum until 2020. 

My approach flows from my passion for art, music, and humour.

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